DIY Garmin GPS Maps
Creating Custom Maps for Garmin GPS from GPX files using Basecamp and other freeware programs on Windows 10
Often times it is very useful to have a custom map loaded on your GPS to help you stay on your preplanned route. Our overly helpful GPS’s all tend to want to reroute you every time you make a wrong turn, often losing your selected path. With a few free PC-based tools you can create detailed routes on your map program, convert the route to a GPX track, and then convert that to a custom map that can be loaded on your Garmin GPS. There are lots of online sources of info on how to piece this together but no end-to-end tutorials that I could find. I decided it was time to create one for myself as I do this 2-3 times a year and forget the details every time. I just updated the document in September 2020 and decided it was time to share this with the world.
View and/or Download instructions: How to create custom maps for Garmin GPS using Basecamp on Microsoft Windows